Posts Tagged ‘stp’

My husband and I went to see my all time favorite band tonight, Stone Temple Pilots!!! Here is a scissor made from the bracelets to show we are over 21, the parking ticket, and my ticket to get into the concert. Hope you had a wonderful Tuesday, I did!!!!

Sorry for not posting yesterday but I had a VERY long day!!!! I drove 1 1/2 hrs to go to a book signing for Scott Weiland’s book, Not Dead and Not For Sale, then waited 10 hrs to meet him, then drove 1 1/2 hrs  home. So here is a scissor I drew on the book while waiting online right before he got to the signing. Nothing spectacular, BUT his autograph is on the page with it!!! Hope you had a good day yesterday and today’s scissor will come a little later!

Here is the second book he autographed for me 🙂